Agile Mindset

Teqnya believes the business needs nowadays are changeable and not always can be fixed, due to market changes and opportunities, so the business should be flexible and adapt quickly, and here the Agile mindset comes,

The Agile methodology in its core allows the development teams to release reliable software fast and introduce changes easily, without harming the quality, the development process usually consists of 2-6 weeks iterations resulting in an evolved version of software shipped each time. After each iteration (Sprint), we think about the value we deliver to our customers (since it is the main goal we work for), we get real user feedback that drives informed decisions on the next development steps


  • User stories
  • Backlog
  • Kanban Board
  • Adaptation
  • Validation
  • Sprints
  • Agile Master
  • Continues Integration
  • Continues Delivery
  • User Value
  • Flexibility